
Kai Alexander Patricio specializes in digital triage for design through the enhancement of design processes with no and low code. Patricio is the author of "Design Led No Code," an emerging methodology that uses design thinking, UX research, and no-code to craft innovative products and experiences. He holds an MFA in Design from Syracuse University. His current research interests include regenerative design, inclusive design, interaction design, and the development of new digital interfaces.

My Design Toolbox

No Code

My Design Toolbox

No Code Development
Design Research
Mixed Methods Analysis
Phyiscal Prototyping
Design Thinking
Inclusive Design

Practitioner Principles

I was recently asked to state my principles as a designer by a mentor. Consider these as statements of an individual person, rather than presumptions or prescriptions for all design or other designers. These are my priorities for collaborators and a work environment, but they are fundamentally offered without judgment. The following principles comprise my purpose and my ethics as a designer, and I choose to hold myself to them to the best of my ability not because I am guaranteed to succeed, but because it is fundamental to my identity as a professional and a person.

Collaboration & Co-Design

I am a highly skilled designer with a lot to offer, but I also have a lot to learn. I am a voracious sharer of ideas at all levels of fidelity and work best in tandem with other people. I have spent years of my career as a solo designer, I crave an environment with multiple contributors to creation.

Inclusive Design & Accessibility

I was fortunate to be mentored in my career by strong disability advocates, and that exposure has made it a regular consideration in my design work. While I am not myself a subject matter expert in this area, I was closely involved in the early iterations of the Intelligence++ Initiative at Syracuse University, which is a leading institute for design with neurodiversity in the United States.

Regenerative & Sustainable Design

I am well aware of the constraints of running a business, and that during day-to-day operations it can be hard to implement sustainability measures. However, in my professional career as a design manager, I was a founding member of a company green committee and will always strive to promote environmental measures, even at the pace of business.

Design for Minimal Harm

Design, as a broader field, has the capacity for transformative good as well as irrevocable harm. The differences between the two can be difficult to identify at times, but I believe it is incumbent upon myself as a designer to regularly consider the harm that my products could cause. And if there is unavoidable harm, then I will disengage from the project, regardless of cost.